Nason Davis Eesti
Nason Davis Eesti OÜ was established in 2002. The Company is wholly owned by Nason Davis Holdings Ltd.
The principle activities are softwood processing and timber trading. The majority of our production comes from two planing mills with combined annual production of approximately 50000 cbm further processed timber. Our main focus is on Whitewood (Picea abies). We can offer pressure treatment with Tanalith E as well as fire retardant treatments.
Currently we have active clients in 14 countries with our main target markets being the UK, Japan and France.
The Company has several programs running for Japanese framing and batten sizes, components for pre-fabricated houses and DIY products. Our production for European markets include framings, cross cut components for furniture, claddings and black painted weatherboards.
Please visit www.nasondavis.ee for more information about Nason Davis Eesti OÜ.